Docker Task Configuring HTTPD Server on Docker Container
8 min readSep 6, 2022

Docker menu-based program

Press one to start Docker this will start and gives more options

Press two to see docker images

List of images

Press three to launch new container

Press 11 to perform tasks inside the Docker container
After launching it will check for the connection then shows us a menu for the container

Press 1 to Install HTTPD, press 2 to start httpd, press 3 to install python and many more

We can see below that python, httpd is installed and working fine

Press 12 to Exit from docker Menu

Code for the menu program
import subprocess
import os
import time
login = input("Login remotely or Localy (r/l) : ")if "l" in login or "L" in login:
# Docker Configure in yum
print(subprocess.getoutput("touch yum.repo"))
docker_repo = open('/etc/yum.repos.d/yum.repo','w')
docker_conf = """[Docker]
name=Yum form Docker
check = subprocess.getoutput("docker --version")
# Installing Docker
if "Docker" not in check and " version" not in check and "build" not in check:
os.system("dnf install docker-ce --nobest -y")
print("Docker Already exists")
# Docker Menu
print(" Welcome To a Docker Menu")
print(" Docker Successfully Configured and Installed...")
while True:
print("1. Start Docker")
print("2. Stop Docker")
print("3. Status of Docker")
print("4. Remove Docker from this System")
print("5. Exit")
# Select Option
choice = input("Enter your option (1/2/3/4/5) : ") or "5"
# Start Docker
if choice in "1":
print(" Docker Started..")
while True:
# Menu Docker tasts
print(subprocess.getoutput("systemctl start docker"))
print("Docker Menu")
print("1. Pull new Images.")
print("2. Display all Images.")
print("3. Launch New Container.")
print("4. Display List of Containers")
print("5. Start Container")
print("6. Stop Container")
print("7. Remove Image")
print("8. Remove Container")
print("9. Display Running Instances")
print("10. Remove All Container")
print("11. Containers Menu")
print("12. Exit")dchoice = input("Enter your choice : ")
# 1) Pull New Images from docker hub
if dchoice in "1":
print("Pull new Image from Docker hub")
imageName = input("Enter Image Name : ") or "centos"
imageV = ( ":"+input("Enter Version orelse takes default latest version : ")) or ""
os.system("docker pull {}{}".format(imageName,imageV))# 2) Show Images
if dchoice in "2":
print("Docker Images present in ur system")
print(subprocess.getoutput("docker images"))# 3) Launch new Container
if dchoice in "3":
print("Create New Container")
ImageName = input("Enter Image Name orelse takes default takes centOS: ") or "centos"
ConName = "--name "+input("Enter Container Name(optional) : ") or ""
os.system("docker run -it {} {} /bin/bash ".format(ConName,ImageName))
print("Container Launched...")except Exception as a:
print("Error: "+e+" occured!")
# 4) Display list of Containers
if dchoice in "4":
print("List of containers available")
print(subprocess.getoutput("docker ps -a "))# 5) Start Container
if "5"in dchoice:
os.system("docker ps -a")
ConName = input("Enter Container Name or ID from above list : " ) or ""
os.system("docker start {}".format(ConName))
os.system("docker attach {}".format(ConName))# 6) Stop Contaner
if "6" in dchoice:
print(subprocess.getoutput("docker ps"))
ConName = input("Enter Container Name or ID to stop from above list : " ) or ""
print(subprocess.getoutput("docker stop {}".format(ConName)))# 7) Remove Image
if "7" in dchoice:
print(subprocess.getoutput("docker images"))
ImageName = input("Enter Image Name to remove : ") or ""
os.system("docker rmi {} -f".format(ImageName))# 8) Remove Container
if dchoice in "8":
print(subprocess.getoutput("docker ps -a "))
ConName = input("Enter Container Name or ID from above list : " ) or ""
os.system("docker rm {} -f".format(ConName))# 9) Display all Running Instances
if dchoice in "9":
print(subprocess.getoutput("docker ps"))# 10) Remove All Containers
if "10" in dchoice:
print(subprocess.getoutput("docker ps -a "))
rm = input("Are you sure wants to remove all CONTAINERS (y/n) : ") or "n"
if rm in "y":
os.system("docker container rm -f `docker container ls -a -q`")
# 11) Menu conatainer
if "11" in dchoice:
print(subprocess.getoutput("systemctl start firewalld"))
print(subprocess.getoutput("firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-masquerade --permanent"))
print(subprocess.getoutput("firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=80/tcp"))
print(subprocess.getoutput("firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=443/tcp"))
print(subprocess.getoutput("firewall-cmd --reload"))
print(subprocess.getoutput("systemctl restart docker"))
print(subprocess.getoutput("docker ps -a "))
ConName = input("Enter Container Name or ID from above list : " ) or ""
print(subprocess.getoutput("docker start {} ".format(ConName)))
print(subprocess.getoutput("docker exec {} date".format(ConName)))
print(subprocess.getoutput("docker start {} ".format(ConName)))
print("{} Container Started".format(ConName))
while True:
print(" Container Menu.")
print("1. Install httpd")
print("2. Start httpd ")
print("3. Install python")
print("4. Create Html file ")
print("5. Exit from container ")
ch = input("Enter your option (1/2/3/4/5) : ")
if ch in "1":
print(subprocess.getoutput("docker exec {} yum install httpd -y".format(ConName)))
if ch in "2":
print(subprocess.getoutput("docker exec {} /usr/sbin/httpd".format(ConName)))
if ch in "3":
print(subprocess.getoutput("docker exec {} yum install python3 -y".format(ConName)))
if ch in "4":
print(subprocess.getoutput("docker exec {} touch hello.html".format(ConName)))
if ch in "5":
except Exception as e:
print("Error: "+e+" occured!")# 12) Exit from docker menu
if "12" in dchoice:
if choice in "2":
print("Docker is stopping...")
print(subprocess.getoutput("systemctl stop docker"))
if choice in "3":
print(subprocess.getoutput("systemctl status docker"))
if choice in "4":
rm = input("Are you sure wants to remove Docker (y/n) : ") or "n"
if rm in "y":
os.system("yum remove docker-ce")
print("Docker removed from your system")
if choice in "5":
print("You choose 5 to quite")
print("Exiting from menu..Thank you have nice day..")
elif "r" in login or "R" in login:
docker_login_remote = open('/root/','w')
docker_login_remote_data = '''import subprocess
# Docker Configure in yum
print(subprocess.getoutput("touch yum.repo"))
docker_repo = open('/etc/yum.repos.d/yum.repo','w')
docker_conf = """[Docker]
name=Yum form Docker
# Installing Docker
subprocess.getoutput("yum install docker-ce --nobest -y")
# Docker Menu
print("Welcome To a Docker Menu")
print("Docker Successfully Configured and Installed...")
while True:
print("1. Start Docker")
print("2. Stop Docker")
print("3. Status of Docker")
print("4. Remove Docker from this System")
print("5. Exit")
# Select Option
choice = input("Enter your option (1/2/3/4/5) : ") or "5"
# Start Docker
if choice in "1":
print("Docker Started..")
while True:
# Menu Docker tasts
print(subprocess.getoutput("systemctl start docker"))
print("Docker Menu")
print("1. Pull new Images.")
print("2. Display all Images.")
print("3. Launch New Container.")
print("4. Display List of Containers")
print("5. Start Container")
print("6. Stop Container")
print("7. Remove Image")
print("8. Remove Container")
print("9. Display Running Instances")
print("10. Remove All Container")
print("11. Exit")
dchoice = input("Enter your choice : ")# 1) Pull New Images from docker hub
if dchoice in "1":
imageName = input("Enter Image Name : ") or "centos"
imageV = ":"+input("Enter Version orelse takes default latest version : ") or ""
print(subprocess.getoutput("docker pull {}{}".format(imageName,imageV)))# 2) Show Images
if dchoice in "2":
print(subprocess.getoutput("docker images"))# 3) Launch new Container
if dchoice in "3":
ImageName = input("Enter Image Name orelse takes default takes centOS: ") or "centos"
ConName = input("Enter Container Name(optional) : ") or ""
print(subprocess.getoutput("docker run -it {} {} echo Success Container Started ".format(ConName,ImageName)))
print("Container Launched...")except Exception as a:
print("Error: "+e+" occured!")
# 4) Display list of Containers
if dchoice in "4":
print(subprocess.getoutput("docker ps -a "))# 5) Start Container
if dchoice in "5":
print(subprocess.getoutput("firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-masquerade --permanent"))
print(subprocess.getoutput("firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=80/tcp"))
print(subprocess.getoutput("firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=443/tcp"))
print(subprocess.getoutput("firewall-cmd --reload"))
print(subprocess.getoutput("systemctl restart docker"))
print(subprocess.getoutput("docker ps -a "))
ConName = input("Enter Container Name or ID from above list : " ) or ""
print(subprocess.getoutput("docker start {} ".format(ConName)))
print(subprocess.getoutput("docker exec {} date".format(ConName)))
print("Container Menu.")
print("1. Install httpd")
print("2. Start httpd ")
print("3. Install python")
print("4. Create Html file ")
print("5. Exit from container ")
ch = input("Enter your option (1/2/3/4/5) : ")
if ch in "1":
print(subprocess.getoutput("docker exec {} yum install httpd -y".format(ConName)))
if ch in "2":
print(subprocess.getoutput("docker exec {} /usr/sbin/httpd".format(ConName)))
if ch in "3":
print(subprocess.getoutput("docker exec {} yum install python3 -y".format(ConName)))
if ch in "4":
print(subprocess.getoutput("docker exec {} touch hello.html".format(ConName)))
if ch in "5":
except Exception as e:
print("Error: "+e+" occured!")# 6) Stop Contaner
if dchoice in "6":
print(subprocess.getoutput("docker ps"))
ConName = input("Enter Container Name or ID to stop from above list : " ) or ""
print(subprocess.getoutput("docker stop {}".format(ConName)))# 7) Remove Image
if dchoice in "7":
print(subprocess.getoutput("docker images"))
ImageName = input("Enter Image Name to remove : ") or ""
print(subprocess.getoutput("docker rmi {} -f".format(ImageName)))# 8) Remove Container
if dchoice in "8":
print(subprocess.getoutput("docker ps -a "))
ConName = input("Enter Container Name or ID from above list : " ) or ""
print(subprocess.getoutput("docker rm {} -f".format(ConName)))# 9) Display all Running Instances
if dchoice in "9":
print(subprocess.getoutput("docker ps"))# 10) Remove All Containers
if dchoice in "10":
print(subprocess.getoutput("docker ps -a "))
rm = input("Are you sure wants to remove all CONTAINERS (y/n) : ") or "n"
if rm in "y":
print(subprocess.getoutput("docker container rm -f `docker container ls -a -q`"))
if dchoice in "11":
if choice in "2":
print("Docker is stopping...")
print(subprocess.getoutput("systemctl stop docker"))
if choice in "3":
print(subprocess.getoutput("systemctl status docker"))
if choice in "4":
rm = input("Are you sure wants to remove Docker (y/n) : ") or "n"
if rm in "y":
print(subprocess.getoutput("yum remove docker-ce"))
print("Docker removed from your system")
if choice in "5":
print("You choose 5 to quite")
print("Exiting from menu..Thank you have nice day..")
IP = input("Enter Remote system IP : ")
print(subprocess.getoutput("scp root@{}:/root/".format(IP)))
print(subprocess.getoutput("ssh root@ python3"))